Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday...Back on the road...

We just finished breakfast and about to get on the road for Sicily. We had to buy a collapsible roof-top cargo carrier to get all our stuff home. Next time, we're taking the train so we can't bring home a bunch of junk with us! Either that, or we'll rent a cargo van. LOL!

We went to Pompeii yesterday. Always cool to walk around and see ancient ruins you would normally only get to see pictures of or read about in school.

Mom bought a book in Rome that had before and after pictures of several of the more popular ruins. This is the forum...the town center. The temple at the end is in honor of the Roman God, Jupiter...the ring leader of the Roman Gods.
The streets are have large stones across them at the intersections. The ancient Pompeians would flood the streets with water twice a day to clean them. The stones would serve as cross walks for pedestrians to get across without getting all wet. I imagine their sandals would smell funny and the bottom of their togas would get all wet, otherwise.
The ruts in the road are from chariots. The largest roads had three stones to cross, smaller streets would only have two and one-way streets had one-rock crosswalks. The axles of the chariots were all standard lengths (whatever that is) so they could fit around and over the crosswalks.
The boys brought their new bionicles and set up a battle on an ancient column. Flat Lauren had a ring-side seat. Some of the large, marble stones had little round raised surfaces that to aid in keeping them together when two thousand year of Legos!
We saw tons of cool other stuff, but I'm tying up the only computer and we need to get on the road soon. Off to Sicily...

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Oh my gosh, those marble stones are so awesome! It looks *just* like a lego. So maybe the Romans invented legos, not the Scandinavians? :-)