Friday, September 5, 2008

Back to School

The boys are back to school and doing great. They are enrolled in the A-Beka DVD Academy. It's an accredited school out of Pensacola, FL. We get all the curriculum for 5th and 7th grade as well as DVD's mailed to us every couple months. The boys watch the DVD for whichever lesson they're on while Heather gets all their lesson plans in notebooks prepared each day. They enjoy it so far and seem to be doing much better in all subjects.

We were supposed to start Sep 2nd, but we started a week early. We're taking a trip to London in October and wanted to be a bit ahead of schedule before we put school on hold for a week or two.

Soccer season has started and only Nick signed up this year. He's just about done with the Italian baseball team until spring. He also has a "job" during the week. Every day he goes down the street to a neighbor's house and checks on their dog. They pay weekly ($25 week) to check the dog's food and water and let him out of the house for a few minutes. Not a bad gig. He's already started shopping for all the coins he plans to buy for his collection.

Tom is Tom. Playing video games, terrorizing the playgrounds, catching frogs and Cub Scouting.

Heather has been appointed an Ombudsman for the Navy base. She just went through three days of refresher training and had an appreciation luncheon today. She also did her first 50 mile ride (all by herself) last week.

I'm trying to survive another year of Cub Scouting (which starts this month.) I have more adult leaders signed up and plan to putting them all to good use!

Gotta go...we just put in "Batman" (the 1989 movie with Michael Keaton.) I need to go make some popcorn...


1 comment:

Kelly said...

Back to the grind huh? ;-)