Saturday, October 18, 2008

Did You Know You Can't Take a Sword on an Airplane?

I know...I'm way behind - bear with me...

October 13, 2008

Had breakfast at the hostel and picked up a sack lunch from the kitchen. We got home so late last night that we didn't have time to do laundry so I did two loads at the hostel this morning. I was crazy rushed because we had to catch a flight at 1515 (3:15 pm) and you have to be there two hours early and the hostel was about an hour and a half by train from the airport...

Packed the now clean clothes, checked out of the hostel and headed for the tube. I was worried about the time so I didn't stop at the Starbucks right outside the tube station for a cappuccino. I'm kicking myself now because I can't find the London city mug anywhere!

At Victoria Station we found the train to Gatwick. After we got aboard, we hear an announcement that the train is going to split somewhere along the line. Half the train is going toward Dover and the other half somewhere east (Brussels, I think.) We were worried sick until the conducted came along and told us we were in the right cab and that the train splits after the airport.

Talked to a nice couple from Israel on the train. They had some questions about the upcoming elections. They mentioned the traffic jam during B. Hussein Obama's trip the Israel. I told them I was the wrong one to talk to about American Politics if they wanted to see more of Obama because I won't be voting for him. They gave Nick a couple of Israeli coins for his collection.

At the airport, we checked our luggage and headed for security. After the boy's back packs went through the x-ray the nice security officials wanted to search the bags. I don't mean "nice" facetiously, they were the nicest airport security people I've ever met! Very polite, "thank you for your time", the who bit.

However, when we visited the Tower of London, Tom had purchased a small, medieval wooden shield and sword. The sword couldn't have been more than 12 inches long, dull, wood and obviously a child's toy. But, rules are rules, and anything that resembles a weapon can not be carried aboard.

Heather and the boys waited for me in the terminal as I headed back to the airline check-in now armed. The man at the desk exclaimed, "Oh, you're back!" He had a huge line of people checking in but still took a few minutes to explain I could check in the sword as a separate piece of luggage but that it would either (a) end up lost, (b) get broken or (c) both. Also, it would cost me $20 to check it. Then, he gave me a piece of paper to write my address and promised to mail it to me.

The flight to Shannon, Ireland was less than an hour. We rented a Toyota Terra from Hertz and headed for the Cliffs of Moher - on the wrong side of the rode!

All of Great Britain and Ireland drive on the left side. It was easy enough to get used to after the first 3 or 4 traffic circles. They're called roundabouts on this side of the pond and they're everywhere. Right turns proved to be the most difficult because it's like a left turn back home. I was humbled only once after making a right turn and turning onto the right side of the road vice the left. I drove along on the right side, without thinking anything about it (neither did Heather) for about 10 seconds.

I immediately got over to the left and only 100 meters down the road I went around a curve and passed a couple of cars going the opposite direction...on the same side I was just on! I drove for about 5 minutes before my heart stopped racing! But you should see me now...driving on the left side of the road, from the right side of the car, shifting with my left hand and signalling all at the same time!

We arrived safe and sound at the Cliffs of Moher on the west coast of Ireland about an hour before sunset. The parking lot was open but the visitor center was closed. We briefly talked to some Americans who were on vacation from California and learned the park was closed but you could still go out to the cliffs.

Walked along the cliffs to a small castle tower. Took a handful of photos and then looked for a bathroom! The far corner of the parking lot served well and then we got back on the left side of the road for about an hour.

Our first night stay was at the Travelodge in Galway. The portable Garmin driving GPS unit worked awesome...took us right to the hotel!

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