Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday...Still in Berlin

Started at Pariser Platz again for the Third Reich Tour. The photo above is the famous hotel where Michael Jackson dangled his baby from the balcony for the press. (That wasn't part of the Third Reich Tour...that's left over from yesterday's tour.)

This tour was a little more in depth about the Nazi party than the free tour yesterday. Worth the €12 each. Our guide was knowledgeable but he walked to fast. Those of us with short legs ended up holding the group back by 30 seconds or so every time we stopped!

Had lunch at a Doner Kebab. Decent food. Didn't know I liked lamb.

After the tour we wandered around the shopping district near the Zoo. Not an animal zoo, but a part of town in West Berlin. We priced tickets to take a day trip to Poland, but it's more than we wanted to spend. €40 and 4 hours each way on the train. We could go to Prague for that.

Had dinner and a Guinness at an Irish Pub., then met the evening tour for the Pub Crawl. We must be getting old because we got our money back at the first bar. The place was so packed with drunk college students that we could barely move. I've been to crowded bars before, but this was just stupid. All Heather could think about was the fire code!

We're back, safe and sound at the hotel. Nick called while Heather was in the shower. Not sure what he's doing up so late...but that's ok. I'm glad he called. I tried to call them earlier today and couldn't get through.


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