Thursday, February 5, 2009

Here I Go Again...

...not keeping up with the blog after we get home.

Last day was in Venice, again. Got delayed at the airport from Berlin. The aircraft was late arriving from London...I guess there was a nasty storm in the U.K. that caused an hour and a half delay.

Arrived in Venice, took the bus from the airport to the city and rode the vaporetto to our hotel. We stayed at a different hotel than last week. This one was very close to the vaporetto stop on the Grand Canal. Outstanding location and internet access (free for the first 30 minutes, €20 for 5 hours.)

Rode the vaporetto line 2, not as many stops, to a stop about halfway to St. Mark's Square. We walked and shopped looking for Carnivale masks. Heather found a cool one of the hypocritical plague doctor (the one with the big, long nose) at a shop that made masks for the Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman move "Eyes Wide Shut." Never saw the movie.

Headed to St. Mark's Square and checked on Hard Rock Cafe but it still wasn't open. Kept walking looking for a mask for me. Found one near the hotel. It's a Casanova mask (big, black hat and pointy chin.) They're expensive.

Stopped at a pizzeria and got two pizza (they're small.) Grabbed a bottle of wine, some parmesan cheese and a couple pieces of bread from a shop near the hotel. Took it all back to the hotel and had a picnic in our room while watching a movie on the iPod.

Our flight the next morning was uneventful. Stopped and collected some water from the Grand Canal for our "dirt collection." Trisha picked us up from the airport (I re-payed here and the girls the next morning at 6:45 am) and we went to get the boys from Erin's house.


1 comment:

Kelly said...

Whatcha going to do with a Casanova mask??