Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Independence Day

I woke up this morning about 8:30 am. I got out of bed around 10:00 am.

Had some grocery shopping to do and needed a cappuccino, so I headed over to NAS 1. Ran into Art, the new First Class I'm sponsoring, and we met up at the commissary. We bought some BBQ grub and ran into a couple of shipmates who were on the way to see the Pixar film, Wall-E. But it was the premier showing on base, and I wasn't about to subject myself to least not without Heather and the boys. Art and I headed back home for a couple hours.

We returned to the Land Annex at NAS 1 around 6:00 pm. I parked by the gate so I could make a speedy get-a-way after the fireworks. Grabbed a hamburger at the PW tent and then hiked over to the commissary for another cappuccino. Picked up an Astronomy and Backpacker magazine at the NEX and then went back to the car to retrieve my beach chair. Got set up on the grass next to Trisha and her girls and there I sat for two hours. I should have taken my hat off so my head could get some sun.

I guess that doesn't make much sense...I shaved my head the day Heather and the boys left for the States. I went to the barber and told him I wanted it real short. He took it all the way down to the skin. So I just went home and shaved it. We'll see how easy it is to maintain and what Heather thinks.

Soul Sacrifice took the stage and played for about an hour and a half. They're a Santana tribute band from L.A. They sounded ok. They played an instrumental version of the National Anthem. I don't think many people recognized it because we were on a military base and only a handful of us stood up and took our hats off.

The fireworks started promptly 30 minutes late at 9:30 pm. There were a couple of really low ones and a few that exploded on the ground which caused a couple of brush fires all around. I was glad the car was by the gate...I made my escape right away.

Grabbed a glass of wine when I got home and called Heather. We'll see if she blogs soon. Then I rode my skateboard over to Trisha's to get the pictures of the fire off her camera.

Happy 4th,


1 comment:

Kelly said...

It must have been strange spending the 4th alone! Glad you had a good day :-)